A public health awareness campaign in the UK (On The Move) and Mainland Europe to improve the understanding of colorectal cancer and the importance of screening in Black and African Caribbean communities and – in the longer term - the South Asian population. The project’s previous working title was ‘On the Move’.
The Challenge
Early detection of cancers makes a dramatic difference to the patient’s chances of survival. 90% of patients, for example, make a full and rapid recovery if colorectal cancer is detected in its early stages. Only 14% of patients with a late, stage 4 diagnosis survive longer than 5 years. Yet, recent research shows that Black African and African Caribbean adults are statistically less likely to be aware of the key risk factors, of the warning signs and of the availability of CRC screening than white adults.
Our Solution
GHP’s latest project, +Intestino sets out to address this serious health inequality by taking mobile education and screening units into Black communities across Europe. Based on highly successful work in the US and South Wales, the project aims to overcome the fear and mistrust involved in engaging with health services by being present and accessible in the heart of the community. With the benefit of funding from SYNLAB Foundation and Boehringer Ingelheim, The first pilot +Intestino (Portuguese for intestine) will take place in two locations in Portugal in September 2023. Further pilots, in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, will be staged in late 2023/early 2024 with the aim of producing a detailed report for submission to European policymakers in 2024. The aim is to create an evidence-based model for CRC screening and education that can be rolled out across Europe and eventually in other parts of the world where there’s low adoption of screening.
Our thanks to our funders and partners Synlab Foundation, Boeringer Ingleheim and Merck.
Conducting focus group research among Black communities, community leaders and influencers.
Established our Expert Advisory Board.
Identifying KPIs for Epidemiology & Public Health.
Establishing practical partnerships with
relevant cultural leaders and groups within
project countries.
Working with funding partners to establish a set of measures and targets for the campaign.
Planning, managing and promoting a practical and scalable series of mobile screening and education events, including a robust process for supporting participants with positive test results.